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(Dr.Mei Mei Wei)Violin
  Anthony Sabberton Violin
  Patrick Sabberton Violin/Viola
  赵慧(Zhao Hui) Violin
  Christophe Gizycki Violin
  金鑫(Jin, Xing) Violin
  Dr. Hyungi Kim Violin
  Yao ki Violin
  许蓓莉(Beili Xu) Violin
  Linda Hu Viola
  田晓东(Tian Xiaodong) Viola
  高学文(Gao Xue Wen) Cello
  Dr. Jason Wang Cello
  侯茹青(Ruby Hou) Cello
  Lee Pophal, Bass.
  徐毅( Xu Yi ) Composer. Piano
  张希博士(Dr.Zhang, Xi) Piano
  Eunduk Kim Piano
  Bevan Graham Harpsichord

韦妹妹获美国纽约第三十五届“国际艺术家”小提琴比赛获奖者,2007韦妹妹特邀在卡内基音乐厅举行独奏音乐会,获得“纽约音乐会评论”的高度赞誉。韦妹妹也是一位活跃的独奏及室内乐家,经常被邀在歐洲,美國和中國参加演出,包括与美国科罗拉多国际交响乐团,美国路易斯安娜爱乐乐团,美国亚利桑那室内乐团, 上海音乐家协会室内乐团等合作独奏演出。被邀参加在奥地利薩爾茨堡的莫扎特音樂節,德州Round Top 音乐节,芝加哥东西方艺术室内乐团,新奥尔良Music Alive室内乐团,與世界著名维米尔四重奏团在美国緬因州的室內乐音樂節等。

韦妹妹很小师从我国著名小提琴家谭抒真教授。1979年考入上海音乐学院后,从师于盛中华和袁佩文教授。1985年大学毕业后获得南加州大学最高奖学金赴美留学. 在Eduard Schmiede博士的指导下获得音乐硕士学位。1990年硕士毕业后,韦妹妹考入美国凤凰城交响乐团第一小提琴。1999年考入美国路易斯安娜爱乐乐团副首席. 2003年她随后又获得美国路易斯安娜州立大学最高奖学金,在Kevork Mardirossian教授的指导下,获得小提琴演奏博士学位,-韦妹妹也曾师从过世界著名小提琴大师Shmuel Ashkenas.

2008 回国以后. 韦妹妹组建了上海巴罗克室内乐团经常被邀请在上海东方艺术中心,上海音乐厅,上海大剧院,贺渌丁音乐厅,举办室内乐系列演出,也曾被邀请在青岛大剧院,重庆大剧院,苏州大剧院和昆山大剧院等举办室内乐音乐会。

韦妹妹博士曾在美国路易斯安娜州立大学音乐学院, 上海音乐学院附中,美国著名加州科尔本艺术学校和爱德华音乐节任教. 她曾担任上海音韵室内乐团艺术总监,现是上海巴罗克室内乐团首席和艺术总监并兼任上海华东师范大学音乐学院客座教授。2013 韦妹妹被入选上海第三批”千人计划.

Music Director/Concertmaster:
Mei Mei Wei
Mei Mei Wei was a winner of the Artists International Violin Competition in New York, where she was invited to play solo recital in Carnegie Hall. Her performance was highly praised by ”New York Concert Review”.

As an active recitalist and chamber musician, Mei Mei Wei has appeared throughout United States and her native China, playing with many American and Chinese orchestras such as Arizona Chamber Symphony, Phoenix Symphony, Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra, National Repertoire Orchestra, Bay Chamber Music Festival with Vermeer Quartet, East Meets West Music Arts Chamber Orchestra of Chicago, Music Alive Ensemble of New Orleans, New York Chamber Players Orchestra, Shanghai Musician Association Chamber Orchestra and Shanghai Baroque Chamber Orchestra.

Mei Mei Wei held the positions of Associate Concertmaster of Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra for five seasons and First Violin Section of Phoenix Symphony for eight seasons.

After returning to China in 2008, Mei Mei Wei was appointed the Music Director, Soloist, and Concertmaster of the Shanghai Baroque Chamber Orchestra where they play all period of music. Over the last 12 years, she has been successfully leading the orchestra plays at the most well-known concert halls in China such as the Shanghai Oriental Arts Center, Shanghai Grand Theatre, Shanghai Concert Hall, where she has gained popularity among Chinese audience. Under her leadership, the orchestra has become one of the best chamber orchestras in China. In recognition to her achievements, she was selected as a “Specially Recruited Expert”, under the prestigious “Thousand People Plan ” sponsored by Chinese government.

Born into a family of artists in Shanghai, China, Mei Mei Wei studied for her bachelor’s degree in the Shanghai Conservatory of Music with Professor Tan Shu-Zhen, one of the most eminent violinists and violin pedagogues in China. Upon graduation, she went to US on a fellowship to study, first at Rice University and then at University of Southern California, where she received her Master’s degree under Edward Schmieder, She also studied with Shmuel Ashkenasi. Mei Mei Wei received her Doctor of Musical Arts degree at Louisiana State University under Kevork Mardirossian.

She was on the faculty of Louisiana State University, The Colburn School of Music, the Idyllwild Summer Music Festival in California.
The Shanghai Conservatory of Music and the Music School of East China Normal University.

Currently Dr Mei Mei Wei is Artistic Director / Concertmaster of the Four Seasons Chamber Orchestra in Washington DC and Artistic Director/Concertmaster of Shanghai Baroque Chamber Orchestra. Every summer she also teaches at the Manhattan International Music Festival where she is the violin professor and Artistic Director and play solo recital, chamber music with world class artists such as Shumel Ashkenasi, Alexander Shtarkman, Kevork Mardirossian, Darrett Adkins and Dennis Parker etc,.


2011 版权所有 The Shanghai Baroque Chamber Orchestra 上海巴罗克室内乐团 沪ICP备05060341 网站制作: 上海史特