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(Dr.Mei Mei Wei)Violin
  Anthony Sabberton Violin
  Patrick Sabberton Violin/Viola
  赵慧(Zhao Hui) Violin
  Christophe Gizycki Violin
  金鑫(Jin, Xing) Violin
  Dr. Hyungi Kim Violin
  Yao ki Violin
  许蓓莉(Beili Xu) Violin
  Linda Hu Viola
  田晓东(Tian Xiaodong) Viola
  高学文(Gao Xue Wen) Cello
  Dr. Jason Wang Cello
  侯茹青(Ruby Hou) Cello
  Lee Pophal, Bass.
  徐毅( Xu Yi ) Composer. Piano
  张希博士(Dr.Zhang, Xi) Piano
  Eunduk Kim Piano
  Bevan Graham Harpsichord
2014年1月11日上海东方艺术中心演奏厅“上海巴罗克室内乐团——年轻艺术家培养计划音乐会二”Shanghai Baroque Chamber Orchestra-Young Artist Concert (2)
时间:2013/12/18 21:37:08 阅读2223次


  时间: 2014年1月11日 19:45

地点:东方演奏厅 票价: 300/180/120/80 元 学生票:40元(凭身份证或学生证至东艺售票处购买,售完为止) Shanghai Baroque Chamber Orchestra Young Artists Concert II

Time: 1/11/2014 19:45 Place:  Performance Hall Price:  300/180/120/80 (RMB)




1) 巴赫: 小提琴无伴奏奏鸣曲第三组曲 前奏曲, 加沃特舞曲和回旋曲 小提琴独奏:叶荔韦

  2) 门德尔松: 弦乐四重奏,Op.44,第二首

  第一乐章- 热情的快板


  第二小提琴: Tony Sabberton

中提琴: Patrick Sabberton


3) 德沃夏克: 大提琴协奏曲




4)圣桑: b小调第三小提琴协奏曲






  小提琴独奏: 叶茘韦出生于美国凤凰城亚利桑那州一个音乐之家。她从小在音乐环境熏陶下三岁时开始学钢琴,六岁时跟随她妈妈韦妹妹博士学习小提琴. 九岁时她考入路易斯安纳州巴吞鲁基少年交响乐团担任首席。2008年,她搬到上海居住并继续跟Patrick Sabberton 和梅纽因国际比赛获奖者 Tony Sabberton学习小提琴。2012她考入美国著名的纽约Meadowmount暑期音乐节,在那里她师从Anne Setzer博士。在她读高中时,叶茘韦在众多小提琴竞争中脱颖而出与亚洲国际学校主办的APAC艺术节乐队合作独奏演出。她目前在纽约的Mannes音乐学院, 跟Anne Setzer 博士学小提琴演奏专业。

特邀指挥: 常林 华东师范大学音乐系主任,副教授。本科毕业于上海音乐学院, 1985年获全额奖学金赴美深造,同年受聘于阿肯色大学附属音乐学校。1995年毕业于美国著名音乐学府印第安纳大学音乐学院,获硕士学位,并受聘于阿肯色州立交响乐团和四重奏团。1995-2005年间,曾任职于阿肯色中央大学音乐系、阿肯色大学(小石城分校)音乐学院和沃奇塔神学院音乐系,并兼任阿肯色青年交响乐团客座指挥。2006年起,任职于华东师范大学音乐系,主授课程有:小提琴演奏、室内乐演奏、乐队排练、弦乐艺术欣赏。

乐团介绍 上海巴罗克室内乐团在音乐总监美籍华人韦妹妹小提琴博士带领下,成员多由国际上卓有成就的海归及优秀外籍和中国音乐家所组成,他们来自世界各大乐团的首席演奏家们和音乐学院教授。   为了普及室内乐,推动这一高雅艺术在中国的发展,让古典音乐迷能够聆听到顶尖的室内乐演奏风采,他们在上海音乐厅,上海东方艺术中心,上海大剧院及其他城市大剧院举行了一系列室内乐,星期广播音乐会和市民音乐会,深受广大听众喜爱和好评。   

嘉宾独奏演员 陈聪,四岁半开始学习钢琴,七岁开始学习大提琴,十二岁达到钢琴业余考级十级,大提琴考级演奏级水平。初中就读于南洋模范初级中学,并且从六年级开始参加南洋模范中学交响乐团,具备一定的乐队水平。中考时以优异成绩考入南洋模范中学,并担任大提琴声部首席,曾随团在全国各地演出,参加了两届全国中小学生艺术展演比赛并都随团获得第一名。2011年随上海市学生交响乐团赴法国尼奥市与法国,西班牙等各国的专业学生交响乐团交流并演出,2013年8月随上海学生交响乐团赴澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院参加国际青年音乐节比赛,担任大提琴首席,乐团夺得了该音乐节的金奖第一名。2011年以优异的成绩考入华东师范大学音乐系,现师从蔡菁婧导师。

Violin soloist∣Lily Wei Ye

Lily Wei Ye was born in Phoenix, Arizona. Her mom, Mei Mei Wei, a reknown violinist introduced her to music. At age 9, she joined the Baton Rouge Youth Orchestra and was concertmaster. In 2008, she moved to Shanghai where she continued to take violin lessons with Patrick and Menuhin Competition winner Tony Sabberton. During her stay in Shanghai, she attended the Concordia International School in Pudong Jinqiao, and participated in the APAC string festivals where she was the soloist in her senior year. Lily has also attended the Meadowmount School of Music in Westport, New York, for the summer of 2012 and 2013 studying with Anne Setzer. Lily Wei Ye now attends the New School's Mannes College of Music in New York City, and studies with Anne Setzer.

  Guest conductor∣Lin Chang Lin Chang, received his Bachelor of Music Degree from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. In 1986, he came to the United States to further his study. Later he attended the Indiana University at Bloomington and graduated with a Master’s degree. He studied with world-renown teachers including Yu Lina, Rastislaw Dubinsy and Joseph de Pasquale. Chang had been with the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra and Quapaw Quartet for a dozen of years. During his time in Arkansas, he was also a faculty member of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Quachita Baptist University and University of Central Arkansas, teaching violin and viola and conducting the Arkansas Youth Orchestra. Lin Chang is now Associate Professor and Chair at the Music School of East China Normal University (ECNU) in Shanghai, China since 2006 .

The Shanghai Baroque Chamber Orchestra The Shanghai Baroque Chamber Orchestra, led by Music Director Mei Mei Wei joined by members who are all outstanding professional musicians, including foreign musicians from major orchestras and conservatories in China and foreign countries. The Shanghai Baroque Chamber Orchestra’s mission is to present a wide variety of exciting chamber music thereby enriching the cultural reputation of Shanghai in the national and international arts community. Keeping prices affordable so the chamber music experiences are accessible to all. Through live performances that are evocative, dramatic, and passionate we seek to develop new audiences of all ages for chamber music.

2011 版权所有 The Shanghai Baroque Chamber Orchestra 上海巴罗克室内乐团 沪ICP备05060341 网站制作: 上海史特